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Photography workshops

Ignite your creativity

Are you captivated by the art of photography, eager to capture moments that tell stories and evoke emotions?

Whether you're a budding enthusiast or a seasoned shutterbug, there's always something new to learn and explore in the world of photography. That's where our photography workshops come in — hone your skills, unleash your creativity, and discover the full potential of your camera. Join us at the FUJIFILM House of Photography, where a world of visual storytelling awaits your lens.

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Genre-based workshops: unveil the art of photography

Embark on a journey that blends theory with hands-on experience. Our genre-based photography workshops are designed to unleash your creative potential, whether you're a beginner eager to grasp the fundamentals or an enthusiast seeking to refine your skills.

Step into the world of portrait, macro, and more with workshops led by our in-house specialists.

What happens in a genre-based workshop?

These workshops cater to all experience levels of photography, ensuring a comfortable learning pace. The sessions are divided into two halves — first, an immersive dive into theory, followed by an exciting practical session. Learn the intricacies of composition, camera settings, storytelling, and the art of playing with light. It’s all about putting theory into practice.

Our genre-based workshops are perfectly tailored for those at the beginner to intermediate level of photography. Whether you’re looking to finesse your camera handling or master the nuances of photography, our expert specialists provide guidance on every aspect. Unlock the artist within as you elevate your photography skills.

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Ambassador workshops: work with the professionals

Aimed at individuals with a solid understanding of their cameras, these workshops promise a transformative experience that can take your art to new heights.

Get ready to absorb firsthand tips and tricks from the industry's best. With access to similar equipment and accessories used by the pros, you'll be stepping into their shoes and capturing breathtaking shots. Our ambassador workshops aren’t just about technical prowess — they offer a chance to refine your creative vision, hone your instincts, and create once-in-a-lifetime images with guidance from our professional ambassadors.

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Logistics and details
To make the most of your workshop, we kindly request you to arrive 15 minutes before your session begins. This ensures a smooth start and allows you to settle into the workshop comfortably.
What’s included
Your workshop ticket covers the invaluable learning experience. Please note that expenses such as transportation, meals, and other personal costs are not included unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Have questions about your photography workshop? Feel free to reach out to us at or contact the House of Photography store directly at 0203 486 4610.

Elevate your photography with our photo workshops. Whether you’re taking your first steps or refining your craft, our photography workshops are your pathway to photographic excellence. Reserve your spot today and let your creativity flourish with FUJIFILM House of Photography.
