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Step into the Night with Mr Whisper - ADDITIONAL DATE

No longer running
Fujifilm House of Photography

This event is no longer running



The Instagram success of Bal Bhatla, better known as Mr Whisper, transported him from a career in advertising to the life of a professional photographer. Bal has since been commissioned for jobs across the globe, although many of this visual storyteller’s scenes are documented on the bustling streets of London. He’s worked for brands such as Netflix, BMW, E4, Hypebeast, Adidas, Fujifilm and on a Star Wars campaign. Bal’s images have been featured in a variety of newspapers, magazines, blogs and exhibitions worldwide.









Saturday 4th November 2023

3:00 PM-9:00 PM

FUJIFILM House of Photography, 8-9 Long Acre, London, WC2E 9LH

Meet at the reception desk, down the stairs in the lounge on the lower floor. Please aim to arrive 15 minutes before your session time.


For enquiries regarding this event, please contact or the House of Photography store on 0203 486 4610.



Bal has branded this workshop a journey into the dark side, which is to say, an exciting introduction to the world of low-light street photography! It’s ideal for photography enthusiasts, or more advanced photographers who have never dabbled in these conditions before. There’s no better time for it, either. November in London is a veritable blizzard of shoppers, partygoers and tourists – all providing ripe potential for stunning scenes.

Mr Whisper creates predominantly with FUJIFILM X-T Series cameras. The noise management at higher ISO values and reliable autofocus come in handy, while a fast prime lens is the most important tool for this particular approach to photo making. You’re welcome to bring your own set-up, although a selection of FUJIFILM X Series products will be available on the day for you to try!  If you’d prefer to have your own selected equipment, you can arrange a free, 48-hour Try Before You Buy loan in advance.

We also recommend you wear weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable footwear. Though we will have a designated break time to rest, catchup and reset, there will be a lot of walking and time spent outside.



    • Meet at the House of Photography, where you’ll be introduced to Bal and your fellow photographers.
    • Enjoy an introductory presentation, including key information on low-light storytelling fundamentals. Participants may provide questions in advance, to be answered here.
    • Hit the streets of London with an assignment. There will be time for one-to-one tuition from Bal, covering his personal tricks and tips.
    • Return to the House of Photography to close out the day with a recap and final Q&A.


A good understanding of the exposure triangle will be required, aperture, shutter speed and ISO. There will be a FUJIFILM product specialist on hand to help those new to the Fujifilm system or testing out a new product.

By the end of the session, you’ll be confident and knowledgeable enough to handle anything the street throws at you – even in challenging low-light conditions. Practical advice includes essential settings, utilising auto modes, blending into an environment and street etiquette. Equally important storytelling devices – such as composition, sparking curiosity and anticipating photo-worthy moments – will also be covered. All in all, it’s a detailed glimpse into Mr Whisper’s unique and successful workflow.



Tickets do not include any other expenses, train fares, meals, taxis, parking charges, etc. Unless otherwise stated.



Once you have purchased a ticket, your place on the day will be reserved. If circumstances change and you need to cancel your place, please let us know 10 working days before the event and we will be happy to issue you a refund in full. Places cancelled after this time are non-refundable. You need to be at least 18 years of age to take part in this event and a disclaimer form will need to be completed on the day in order to take part in the day’s activity. In case of emergency on the day, please email  A copy of the disclaimer form is available HERE.