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A photography workshop is a great way to develop your skills, learn new techniques, and set your creativity free. At the FUJIFILM School, we offer an array of workshops covering all aspects of photography and a host of different styles and genres. Whether you’re keen to hone your macro photography skills or you want to learn more about portraiture, our in-house experts are on hand to impart their knowledge. 

We recognise that going to your first photography workshop can seem daunting. No matter whether you’re an enthusiast new to the game or you’re a professional looking to learn something new, there’s no need to feel worried. Here’s what to expect before heading to your first photography workshop.


What to bring

Knowing what to take to your photography workshop is a big concern for a lot of people — after all, you don’t want to be ill-equipped but you also don’t want to overpack. Usually, your workshop facilitator will send you a list of what to bring ahead of the day. However, as a general rule, you should expect to need the following:

Your camera and lenses

Unsurprisingly, this is a key bit of kit to bring along with you! At our Workshops, Photowalks and Photography Holidays, we provide equipment for participants to try out, particularly if they’re travelling light. The only time where you will need to exclusively bring your own equipment is for our 1-2-1 sessions and our theory-based courses.

However, at a workshop where you’ll be focusing on specific techniques and photography styles, it’s helpful for you to have a good understanding of your camera’s features, layouts, and button functions ahead of time. Bringing your own camera can put you at ease and give you the chance to get straight into the creative elements. It’s a wise idea to clean your camera lens and pack your gear away in a protective case the night before your workshop so you’re ready and raring to go.

It’s also helpful to bring a selection of lenses so you can explore different perspectives. For some workshops, we might recommend particular lenses to bring to help you get the best results. Did you know you can also make the most of our free, 48-hour Try Before You Buy loan service if there’s a specific item you want to explore?

Spare batteries 

There’s nothing worse than missing out on creating a beautiful image because your battery runs out or you’ve used up all your precious memory. Packing some spare batteries and memory cards can prevent disappointment and make sure you’re prepared in the face of technical hiccups.


For some workshops, you may find it helpful to bring a tripod, especially if you’re working with long exposures or shooting in low-light conditions. Always double-check with your workshop facilitator ahead of the day though — they may have tripods you can use.  

Food and drink

All that creativity is sure to work up an appetite so bring some snacks along with you. Water is essential for staying hydrated and you might like to bring a flask of something hot if you’re working outside on a chilly day. 

Depending on the workshop you attend, there may be an opportunity to go to a local cafe or restaurant for your lunch break but always check ahead of time. For any enquiries regarding your chosen workshop, feel free to contact or the House of Photography store on 0203 486 4610.

Willingness to learn

Perhaps the single most important resource to bring along to any photography workshop is a willingness to learn. Pack your curiosity and enthusiasm and the rest will fall into place.


What to wear

For the most part, you can wear whatever you like to a photography workshop, provided it’s comfortable and you can move around easily. However some of our workshops, like our Photographing the Jurassic Coast session with Emily Endean, take place outside. So if you’re going to be heading out and about for a more active workshop, you’ll want to opt for sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate clothing. 


What you’ll learn

The exact learning outcomes of your workshop will, naturally, depend on the type of 

session you’re going to. You may be looking at wildlife photography outside or perhaps discussing how lighting can affect portraits. Although there may be some crossovers, you’ll be working on different techniques and developing different skills.

At the FUJIFILM School, we offer a couple of workshop styles, and the type you join will also shape what you learn. 

Workshops run by our in-house experts

Our in-house workshops are suitable for beginner to intermediate-level enthusiasts to explore both theory and practical elements of photography. For the first half of the session, one of our in-house experts will guide you through the theory aspect — be it lighting, composition, or editing software. The second half of the workshop gives you the chance to put what you’ve learned into practice.

Ambassador-led workshops

Are you a more advanced photographer? Perhaps photography is your bread and butter but you really want to elevate your skills in a particular area. If this sounds like you, why not check out our workshops run by professional ambassadors? 

These photography gurus are here to give you in-depth knowledge at a high level so you can explore some fascinating techniques and apply them to your own work. They’ll also guide you with some first-hand hints and tips.


Explore photography workshops at the FUJIFILM School

Wherever your photography passion lies, a professionally run workshop is a wonderful way to take your skills to the next level and explore your creativity in a nurturing environment. 

Our photography experts love to inspire and support enthusiasts and professionals alike. They’re here to facilitate workshops that offer both theoretical and practical advice to open up new ways of seeing photography. 

With sessions covering a broad range of topics, both in London and across the UK, we’re sure you’ll find a FUJIFILM School photography workshop perfectly suited to your needs. 

Take a look at what’s coming up and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

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