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Whether you’re a beginner, an avid enthusiast or a professional photographer, a photography course is an excellent way to hone your skills. Every photography course or workshop is different but there are a few pieces of essential equipment that will put you in good stead for learning and exploring.  

What photography equipment should you take on a beginner’s workshop or course?

In the photography world, equipment is absolutely vital to getting the most out of your craft. With endless choices of cameras, lenses, tripods and accessories, however, it can sometimes be overwhelming to know what’s essential for a photography course or workshop and which elements will take up precious luggage space. 

And when you’re just starting out on your photography journey, you may be hesitant about investing in equipment just to end up with ‘all the gear and no idea’. 

Your camera

When embarking on a photography course, one of the most crucial pieces of equipment you'll need is, of course, your camera. The heart and soul of your artistic vision, this tool holds the power to capture memorable moments. 

As a beginner, you may wonder what type of camera is best suited for the course. While there are various options available, it's recommended to have a mirrorless camera, such as our Fujifilm X-T5 Silver camera from our X-Series range. These camera types offer the flexibility and control needed to learn and explore the art of photography. 

A charged battery 

Never underestimate the importance of a fully charged battery. It might seem like common sense, but it's easy to overlook amidst the excitement of a photography course. A charged battery fuels your photographic prowess, making sure you can capture and create without any unexpected interruptions. After all, the last thing you want is to miss out on the perfect frame due to a drained battery.

A memory card

A memory card is a vital component of your photography gear. It's where all your images will be stored, allowing you to review and edit them later. When choosing a memory card, ensure it has enough capacity to accommodate the number of photos you plan to capture. Opt for a high-speed card to avoid delays in writing data and to enable continuous shooting, particularly if you're keen on capturing fast-paced subjects. 

It’s also important to make sure that you have the correct memory card that’s compatible with your camera, and for Fujifilm cameras, SDHC and SDXC cards are a requirement. If you’re shooting at high speed, for example wildlife or sports with our X-H2S , you will need a CFexpress B card for the maximum transfer speed. 

Spare batteries and memory cards

So, now you’re prepared with your charged battery and compatible memory card, you should be good to go, right? 

Well, yes and no. As you dive into the world of photography, you'll quickly realise that battery life and memory space can be limiting factors, so it's always a good idea to have spare batteries and memory cards on hand. This allows you to extend your shooting sessions and avoid the disappointment of running out of power or storage space just when you stumble upon that perfect shot.

Additional photography equipment options

While your camera, charged battery, and memory card form the core of your photography equipment, there are a few other items worth considering to enhance your learning experience. 

Will your course focus on specific techniques? You might find you need a selection of lenses to experiment with. Or if you’re looking to elevate your landscape photography, a tripod can be invaluable. Here are some accessories to consider — once you get more details about your photography course or workshop, you can tailor your toolkit to suit it. Depending on the workshop or course, you may be able to borrow pieces of equipment to try out. 

A tripod

The humble tripod — a valuable asset when it comes to stabilising your camera and achieving crisp, blur-free images. Whether you're capturing landscapes, low-light scenes, or self-portraits, a tripod provides the stability necessary for long exposures and precise compositions. Look for a lightweight yet sturdy tripod you can use on the go, particularly if you’re joining one of our Photowalks. Just remember to make sure to check your tripod’s maximum load, and determine the size of the screw thread on the bottom of your camera. This plate thread is essential for attaching your camera to tripods and various photographic mountings, ensuring stability and steady shots. 

A camera bag

As tempting as it might be to have your camera out and at the ready, a reliable bag is the unsung hero that will keep it safe during transport. A well-designed camera bag provides ample space for your camera, lenses, accessories, and personal belongings, and it also offers padding and compartments to ensure everything remains secure and organised. Choose a bag that suits your style, comfort, and the amount of equipment you plan to carry.


Really, lenses deserve a lot more attention than we can give them in this short article. But for now, suffice to say that different lenses play a significant role in photography. Just like an artist uses different paint brushes to achieve an array of different textures and designs, camera lenses give you the chance to experiment with various focal lengths and perspectives. 

While the kit lens that comes with your camera is a good starting point, you might consider adding additional lenses to your arsenal. Wide-angle lenses are ideal for capturing sweeping landscapes, macro lenses enable you to capture intricate details, and prime lenses offer exceptional image quality and low-light performance.

Lenses open up a whole new world of techniques, so it’s worth speaking to your photography course facilitator to see if they have any specific recommendations for your workshop.

A lens cleaning kit

Whether you have a single lens or a whole bagful to play with, it’s vital to keep them clean with a lens cleaning kit. A lens cleaning kit typically includes a soft brush, microfibre cloth, lens cleaning solution, and lens wipes to keep your equipment free from dust, smudges, and debris.

What to bring on a Photowalk

If you take a hands-on approach to learning, Fujifilm School Photowalks are a great opportunity for you to fine-tune your skills. A photography expert will be there to guide you not only through new techniques but also on an exciting city tour. Let your camera take the lead and put theory into practice on the go. 

Getting out and about to practice your photography with like-minded people can be a rewarding experience. But we can’t deny that our Photowalks also come with the unpredictability of the British weather, so it’s essential that you come prepared.

For a start, comfortable footwear is crucial on a Photowalk, as you'll likely be on your feet for an extended period. It can also be a wise idea to choose layered clothing so you can adjust to changing temperatures. Breathable fabrics keeps you comfortable throughout the day.

We also recommend bringing a bottle of water to stay hydrated as you learn, and a few snacks won’t go amiss, either. If you’re attending a winter Photowalk, why not bring along a flask of hot tea or coffee to keep you warm?

Develop your photography skills with a Fujifilm course, Photowalk, or workshop

Embarking on a photography course, Photowalk, or workshop is an excellent way to develop your skills, fuel your passion, and meet fellow enthusiasts.  From the art of capturing portraits to the intricacies of macro photography and the thrill of wildlife tracking, our diverse range of workshops aims to acquaint you with various photography genres. And our team of experts will always be on hand to answer any questions you may have. 

Remember, photography is a creative art form, and the gear you choose should support your vision while providing room for growth and experimentation. Browse our collection of camera products, and take a look at our Photowalks, Xperience days, and photography courses today.

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